Primavera, muelle, salto, manantial, salir, brotar, romper….¿Quieres saber todos los significados de esta palabra y ejemplos para ponerla en práctica?
Primavera– My favourite season is spring.
Muelle / Resorte– A spring popped out of the watch.
Manantial– They brought water from the spring.
Elasticidad – The waistband in these trousers has lost its spring.
Salto / Brinco – With one great spring he was over the bush.
Saltar – The frog springs from the spring.
Salir / Aparecer – A clown will spring from the box.
Brotar – Water springs from the fountain.
Florecer – Flowers spring from the plant.
Descender / Provenir– He springs from one of the oldest families in Europe.
Romper / Partir– He sprang the handle of the broom.
Revelar de golpe – She sprang the news on us.
Canapé / Somier – Box spring.
Tener alegría – Have a spring in your step.
Manantial termal – Hot spring.
Agua de manantial – Mineral spring.
Recuperarse – Spring back.
Pollito – Spring chicken.
Cierre de resorte – Spring clip.
Chaqueta de entretiempo – Spring jacket.
Verduras de primavera – Spring greens.
Cebolla tierna – Spring onion.
Rollito de primavera – Spring roll.
Lluvias primaverales – Spring rains.